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[Google Calendar Sync] 아웃룩과 구글캘린더 Sync

by 넷둥이파파 2009. 2. 12.
아웃룩 + 구글 + PDA 싱크프로그램이 나왔네요......
아직 베타버전인듯 한데... 그래도 무료라서 사용자들한테는 희소식중에 하나일듯 해서 소개합니다.

[Getting started with Google Calendar Sync] Link : 

간략하게 설명한 한글블로그 : [우키의 블로그]

To set up Google Calendar Sync:

  1. Make sure you're using a supported operating system and Outlook version.
  2. Download Google Calendar Sync (version athttp://dl.google.com/googlecalendarsync/GoogleCalendarSync_Installer.exe
  3. Once a dialog box appears, click Save File. The downloaded file should open automatically. If it doesn't, manually open it from your browser's download window.
  4. Click OK to confirm that you're aware this is an executable file.
  5. Read through the Google Calendar Sync Terms of Service, and click I Agree.
  6. Follow through the Installation Options and click Install to finish the set-up process.

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